Cover-Bild Der Mensch
Band 89 der Reihe "Klostermann RoteReihe"
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Klostermann, Vittorio
  • Themenbereich: Gesellschaft und Sozialwissenschaften - Soziologie und Anthropologie
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Ersterscheinung: 10.2016
  • ISBN: 9783465142898
Arnold Gehlen

Der Mensch

Seine Natur und seine Stellung in der Welt
Karl-Siegbert Rehberg (Herausgeber)

This book is a classic of philosophical anthropology and Arnold Gehlen's most important book. It summarizes Gehlen's model of man as a "deficiency system" that relies on action and cultural compensation, thus relieves himself of his ever-threatening environment. In Gehlen's theory of institutions saw its first comprehensive formulation in Der Mensch, which Gehlen developed from the revision of his original theory of "top leadership systems". Gehlen's main work was "without a doubt the most advanced attempt to tie philosophical anthropology to the findings of empirical displines" (FAZ). This edition presents the text of the 4th edition (1950), which in turn represents Gehlen´s final profound reworking of the original 1940 text, reproducing the layout of the complete critical edition of Gehlen´s writings.

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