Cover-Bild Johann Gustav Droysen: Historik / Band 3,1
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: frommann-holzboog
  • Themenbereich: Geschichte und Archäologie - Geschichte
  • Genre: keine Angabe / keine Angabe
  • Seitenzahl: 567
  • Ersterscheinung: 29.05.2019
  • ISBN: 9783772811241
Johann Gustav Droysen

Johann Gustav Droysen: Historik / Band 3,1

Die ›Historik‹-Vorlesungen »letzter Hand«. Teil 1. Aus den spätesten auto- und apographischen Überlieferungen (1879, 1881 und 1882/1883)
Horst Walter Blanke (Herausgeber)

Volume 3 of the historico-critical edition completes J.G. Droysen’s (1808-1884) ›Historik‹ (Outline of the Principles of History). The last three cycles of lectures can be reconstructed as a self-contained entity, unlike other earlier texts. The first volume in the set consists basically of the reconstruction of the texts of the lectures held in 1882/83 and 1879 as well as an outline of the ›Historik‹ (primarily the 1882 version, with reference to all the other available texts). The second volume contains textual variants, annotations, a two-part editorial report (including an account of the ›Historik‹ in the context of Droysen’s teaching and publishing activities) as well as a detailed concordance of the manuscript transmissions and an index for all the volumes of this edition.

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