Cover-Bild Wie der Tiger seine Streifen bekam/Tại sao con hổ có những vằn đen - Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch Deutsch Vietnamesisch: Und der Wasserbüffel … và con trâu ...
Band 2 der Reihe "Ein vietnamesisches Märchen"
inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: Nova MD
  • Genre: Kinder & Jugend / Märchen & Sagen
  • Seitenzahl: 40
  • Ersterscheinung: 21.09.2018
  • ISBN: 9783964433589
  • Empfohlenes Alter: bis 10 Jahre
Thuy Le-Scherello

Wie der Tiger seine Streifen bekam/Tại sao con hổ có những vằn đen - Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch Deutsch Vietnamesisch: Und der Wasserbüffel … và con trâu ...

Do you know how the tiger got its stripes? Why the water buffalo has no upper teeth? And what does man have to do with it all?

This bilingual book invites you to get to know the ancient Vietnamese folktale "The water buffalo, the tiger and the farmer," which is known by almost every child in Vietnam.

Thuy Le-Scherello retells the tale in a child-friendly, easy-to-understand way with easy-to-read texts and beautiful illustrations.
The book is particularly interesting for children with Vietnamese roots, so they will not forget their heritage. But also all other readers can learn more about Vietnam.

In the globalized world there are more and more children growing up speaking at least two languages. Bilingual children's books as this one enhance their understanding of language and vocabulary in a fun way.

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