Cover-Bild Long Way Down
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inkl. MwSt
  • Verlag: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft
  • Genre: Kinder & Jugend / Jugendbücher
  • Seitenzahl: 320
  • Ersterscheinung: 23.08.2019
  • ISBN: 9783423650311
  • Empfohlenes Alter: ab 14 Jahren
Jason Reynolds

Long Way Down

Petra Bös (Übersetzer)

»Ein Meisterwerk! «  Angie Thomas, Autorin von ›The Hate U Give‹

Nominiert für den Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis 2020.

Will ist entschlossen, den Mörder seines Bruders zu erschießen. Er steigt in den Fahrstuhl, die Waffe im Hosenbund. Er ahnt noch nicht, dass die Fahrt ins Erdgeschoss sein Leben verändern wird. Er denkt an Menschen aus seiner Vergangenheit, und was er mit ihnen erlebt hat. Es sind Erinnerungen und Geschichten voller Gewalt, Hass, Ohnmacht  und Rache. All diese Menschen sind tot. Und Will muss sich fragen, was das für sein Leben bedeutet. Als er im Erdgeschoss ankommt, ist er sich nicht mehr sicher, ob er seinen Bruder tatsächlich rächen wird, weil es »die Regeln« so wollen. Oder kann er den Teufelskreis der Gewalt durchbrechen?

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Meinungen aus der Lesejury

Veröffentlicht am 07.03.2022

Impressive Writing


Will´s older brother, Shawn, has been shot. Dead. Will feels a sadness so great, he can´t explain it. But in his neighborhood there are THE RULES:

No. 1: Crying

Don´t. No matter what.

No. 2: Snitching

Don´t. ...

Will´s older brother, Shawn, has been shot. Dead. Will feels a sadness so great, he can´t explain it. But in his neighborhood there are THE RULES:

No. 1: Crying

Don´t. No matter what.

No. 2: Snitching

Don´t. No matter what.

No. 3: Revenge

Do. No matter what.

But bullets miss. You can get the wrong guy. And there´s always someone else who knows to follow the rules... (blurb)

This book was on my "What to read next"-list for a long time. I met Jason Reynold´s writing in "All american boys" and wanted to read more. "Long way down" is different, but also good. There is not much action in the story what let me focuss on the word, but sometimes bored me. Jason Reynolds puts emotions in words like nobody could do. I loved the writing. I loved the Anagramms. I loved the random thoughts. I loved how the words could perfectly describe what Will feels, but also show that he can´t say what he feels. But sometimes the poems and thoughts made the story boring. I´m sure it´s hard to connect an actionstory with thoughtful poems but after I read the blurb I exspected more action. After reading "Punching the Air" and "Long way down" I still don´t know if I like these kind of novels. I love novels about racism and ganglife in America and I loved this topic in the novels. But I don´t know if I like them together. Will meets his father after many years. This was my favorite scene. He finds out that his father shot the wrong guy. Jason Reynolds put all the different feelings together in one poem. This poem reached my heart. "Long Way Down" also shows how hard the gangculture and life in a neighborhood like Will´s are.

I loved the writing of "Long Way Down" and enjoyed the story, but I am still not sure what to think about the whole novel.

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